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9.6.18 Purpose

9.6.19 Public transport stoppages

9.6.20 Recall outside normal working hours


In a total workforce system, the following arrangements apply.

  1. Continuous full-time service may be described as service in Service category 6 or 7. A member who is in Service category 3, 4 or 5 and Service option C is also on continuous full-time service.
  2. Reserve service may be described as service in Service category 3, 4 or 5. A member on Service option C is not on Reserve service.

Example for subsection 3: Vehicle allowance could be reduced by the member's usual public transport fare.

9.6.21 Recreation leave travel by private vehicle

9.6.22 Recognition of a relationship


Example: The partner's child.

9.6.23 Benefit

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