5.6.23 Purpose
- Required absence is to protect a member in the later stages of pregnancy when they are unlikely to be able to work comfortably. It also assists in the recovery from pregnancy, and to care for their child.
- In most cases the required absence will only be part of a member's period of maternity leave and is not in addition to the 52 weeks' leave.
5.6.24 Period of required absence
5.6.25 Fitness for duty and the required absence
5.6.26 Continuing to perform duty during the required absence
Example: A member's required absence is due to start on 1 May. The member is in good health and provides a medical certificate that states that in the doctor's opinion, they are fit to work until 10 June. The CDF gives the member permission to work until 10 June.
The member still has access to other leave entitlements as usual.