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14.2.11 Reimbursement of costs if long-term posting cancelled
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Pay and conditions manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
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Part 1: About this Manual
Part 2: Technical rules
Part 3: Interpretation
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Division 1: Definitions – general
Division 2: Key definitions relating to location
Division 3: Key definitions relating to resident family
Division 4: Key definitions relating to people
Division 5: Other matters
Part 5: Member's obligations
Part 6: Payment of benefits in special circumstances
Part 7: Imprisonment, detention and custody within Australia
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Division 1: Leave
Division 2: Housing, removals and storage
Division 3: Other benefits
Chapter 2: ADF Career
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Part 1: Joining the ADF
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Division 1: Information for new recruits
Division 2: Superannuation
Part 2: Career Transition
Part 3: Leaving the ADF
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Division 1: Redundancy
Division 3: Special benefit payment
Division 4: Additional transition period
Part 4: ADF recruit referral scheme
Members who are candidates for election
Chapter 3: ADF salaries and bonuses
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Part 1: Salaries
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Part A: Administration
Part A Division 1: Definitions
Part B: Salaries
Part B Division 1: Senior Officers
Part B Division 2: Officers
Part B Division 3: Specialist officers
Division 3A: Nuclear qualified submariners posted to a seagoing nuclear powered submarine
Part B Division 4: Service Warrant Officer and Warrant Officer Class 1
Part B Division 5: Other Ranks
Part B Division 6: Trainees
Part C: Salary preservation
Part 2: Administration of salaries
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Division 1: About salaries
Division 2: Commencement salary
Division 3: Increments
Division 4: Specialist Officer – increment and competency arrangements
Division 4A: Specialist Officer – Aviation – increment placement, progression and transfer
Division 4B: Nuclear qualified submariners -advancement and deferral of increment
Division 5: Salary non-reduction provisions
Part 3: Bonuses
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Category A Bonus
Division 3: Category B Bonus
Division 4: Payment, recovery and cessation of a bonus
Part 4: Continuation bonus
Show contents
Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Continuation bonus offer 1
Division 3: Continuation bonus offer 2
Division 4: Acceptance of valid offer
Division 5: Payment, cessation and repayment of the continuation bonus
Part 5: Reserve capability at short-notice
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Division 2B: Reserve capability completion bonus – capability at short-notice
Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme (MSBS) retention benefit
Part 6: Deliberately differentiated offer for members
Chapter 4: ADF allowances and reimbursements
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Part 1: Higher duties allowance
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Eligibility
Division 3: Rate of higher duties allowance
Part 2: ADF allowances
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Part A: Administration
Part B: General Disability Allowances
Division B.3: Separation allowance
Part D: Other Allowances
Division D.1: Submarine capability assurance payment
Division D.2: Navy retention incentive payment
Part F: Allowance rates
Part 2A: ADF Military Factor Framework
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Part A: Administration
Annex A.1: Military Factor tiers and rates
Part B: Allowances
Division 1: Maritime Domain
Subdivision 1: Interpretation
Subdivision 2: Maritime Crew A Allowances
Subdivision 3: Maritime Crews B - F Allowances
Subdivision 4: Other Maritime Allowances
Division 2: Land Domain
Subdivision 1: Interpretation
Subdivision 2: Adventurous Training Allowance
Subdivision 3: Amphibious Ready Element Allowance
Subdivision 4: Paratrooper Allowances
Subdivision 5: Special Forces Disability Allowances
Subdivision 6: Special Forces Sustainment Allowances
Subdivision 7: Field Allowances
Division 3: Air Domain
Division 4: Other Domain Allowances
Subdivision 1: Interpretation
Subdivision 2: Unpredictable Explosives
Subdivision 3: Training Sustainment Allowance
Subdivision 4: Recruit Instructor Allowance
Annex B.1: Levels of hardship
Part 3: Qualification and occupation-based allowances
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Division 1: Language allowance
Division 3: Officer Aviation remuneration structure allowance
Part 4: Location allowances
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Division 1: ADF district allowance – general and rates
Division 2: ADF district allowance – movement to or from remote location
Division 3: Port Wakefield allowance
Division 4: Scherger allowance
Division 5: Allowances for services in Antarctica
Annex 4.4.A: Remote locations for ADF district allowance
Part 5: Meal allowance
Part 6: Additional benefits for star rank officers
Part 7: Victoria Cross for Australia representational duties
Part 8: Training payments
Show contents
Division 1A: Trainee’s dependant allowance
Division 2: Medical residency – additional salary
Division 3: Former medical or dental officer – refresher training
Division 4: Australian Defence Force Academy learning materials
Division 5: In-service medical officers – refresher training
Division 6: Army dental officer professional development scheme
Part 9: Reserves
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Division 1: Legal officer sessional fee
Division 2: Airfield Defence Guards (annual proficiency bonus)
Division 3: Health support allowance – Reserves
Division 4: Reserve service payment - infectious diseases
Part 10: Life insurance – additional risk insurance
Part 11: Parking
Part 12: Operation COVID-19 ASSIST allowance
Chapter 5: Leave and absences
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Part 1: General provisions
Part 2: Leave for travel to restricted destinations
Part 3: Medical absence from duty
Part 4: Recreation leave
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Basic recreation leave
Division 3: Additional recreation leave
Division 5: Purchased recreation leave
Division 6: Additional recreation leave for training ('trainee leave')
Division 7: Administration and payment for recreation leave
Division 8: Payment or transfer of recreation leave credit
Division 9: Sharing recreation leave - Dual serving couples
Annex 5.4.A: Remote locations within Australia — additional recreation leave
Part 5: Long service leave
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Entitlement to long service leave
Division 3: Accrual of service for long service leave
Division 4: Salary and allowances during long service leave
Division 5: Payment for, and transfer of, long service leave credits
Part 6: Maternity leave
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Division 1: Overview
Division 2: Maternity leave entitlements
Division 3: Required absence
Division 4: Member already on leave without pay
Part 7: Parental leave
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Paid parental leave
Division 3: Special paid parental leave
Division 4: Unpaid parental leave
Part 8: War service leave
Part 9: Other leave with pay
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Personal leave
Division 3: Carer's leave
Division 4: Special leave for private purposes
Part 10: Leave without pay
Part 11: Short absence
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Division 1: Short absence for rest and recovery
Division 2: Short absence for removal purposes
Division 2A: Short absences - not required for duty
Division 3: Short absence – Infectious diseases
Division 4: Short absence – supervision of children
Division 5: Short absence - examination attendance
Division 6: Short absence - travel
Division 7: Short absence - pre-deployment
Division 8: Short absence - civil court proceedings
Division 9: Short absence - command directed
Part 12: Public holidays – Australia
Part 13: Cancellation of, or recall from, leave
Chapter 6: ADF relocation on posting in Australia
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Part 1A: General provisions
Part 1: Relocation allowances
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Division 1: Disturbance allowance
Division 2: Childcare costs on removal
Division 3: Pet relocation
Division 4: Relocation of other animals
Part 2: Loss on sale of furniture, effects and private vehicles
Part 3: Travel for removal purposes in Australia
Part 5: Removals and storage
Show contents
Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Removal of furniture and effects
Division 3: Removal to or from a family benefit location
Division 4: Removal on commencing posting or deployment
Division 6: Removal on ceasing continuous full-time service
Division 7: Storage of furniture and effects
Division 8: When a member becomes a member who has accompanied resident family or recognised other persons
Division 9: When a member no longer has resident family or recognised other persons
Division 10: Assistance on breakdown of relationship
Division 11: Removal on death of a member
Part 5A: Vehicle removals and travel
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Vehicle removal assistance
Division 3: Removal of towable items
Division 4: Storage of vehicles
Part 6: Expenses when a posting is cancelled
Chapter 7: ADF housing and meals
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Part 1: General information and indexes
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Division 1: Introduction
Division 3: Definitions and key concepts
Division 4: House-hunting trips
Part 2: Suitable own home
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Division 1: Introduction to suitable own home
Division 2: Home becomes unsuitable
Division 3: Home may be unsuitable if it is rented out
Part 3: Home sale or purchase
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Division 1: Initial home purchase
Division 2: Sale of home or subsequent purchase – general
Division 3: Sale of home or subsequent purchase – particular situations and costs that may be reimbursed
Part 3A: Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme
Part 4: Living-in accommodation
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Division 1: Licence to live in overview
Division 2: Being required or choosing to live in
Division 3: Suitable living-in accommodation
Division 4: Contribution for living-in accommodation
Division 5: Exemptions from contribution
Division 6: Members posted to seagoing ships and nuships
Annex 7.4.A: Licence to live in
Annex 7.4.B: Rates of contribution for living-in accommodation
Part 5: Temporary accommodation allowance
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Types of accommodation
Division 3: Period of eligibility
Division 4: Rates of allowance and advance payment
Division 5: Rate of contribution
Part 6: Service residences
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Suitable Service residence
Division 3: Market-rent-based classification of a Service residence
Division 5: Rent band choice homes
Division 6: Appointment, tied and assigned residences
Division 7: When a member is eligible to live in a Service residence
Division 8: Contributions
Division 9: End of eligibility to live in a Service residence
Part 7: Member choice accommodation
Show contents
Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Offer of accommodation and rent ceilings
Division 3: Contributions
Part 8: Rent allowance
Show contents
Division 1A: General provisions
Division 1: Member eligible for rent allowance
Division 2: Rent ceilings
Division 3: Contributions
Division 4: How rent allowance is worked out
Division 5: Events that will end or limit eligibility
Division 6: Advances and repayments
Part 9: Meals
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Division 1: Contribution for meals
Division 2: Food allowances for certain members who live out
Part 10: Utilities
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Contributions for utilities
Division 3: Assistance with utilities connections and bonds
Part 11: Evacuation assistance
Chapter 8: Assistance for recognised family
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Part 4: Education assistance
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Division 1: General information on education assistance
Division 2: School students at the gaining location
Division 3: Loss of scholarship
Division 4: School students not at a housing benefit location or family benefit location
Division 5: Tertiary students not at the housing benefit location or the family benefit location
Part 5: Emergency Support for Families Scheme
Part 6: Resident family who have special needs
Show contents
Division 1: Assistance on removal
Division 2: Assistance when there is no removal to a new housing benefit location or family benefit location
Part 7: Family assistance for attendance at a Court of Inquiry
Part 7A: Assistance for attendance at a Royal Commission
Part 8: Family assistance for attendance at a coronial inquest
Part 9: ADF Family Health Program
Part 10: Reserve Assistance Program
Part 11: Partner benefits on breakdown of marriage or partnership
Chapter 9: ADF travel in Australia
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Part 1A: General provisions
Part 1: Basic travel benefits
Part 2: Travel in specific circumstances
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Division 2: Travel on temporary duty
Division 3: Travel for removal purposes in Australia
Division 4: Travel on posting
Division 5: Travel in particular situations
Division 6: Travel on ceasing continuous full-time service – general
Division 7: Travel on ceasing continuous full-time service – specific circumstances
Division 8: Members of the Reserves – duty travel
Part 3: Travel and resident family
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Division 1: Travel on recognition of a relationship
Division 2: Travel on breakdown of relationship
Division 3: Travel on maternity leave
Division 4: Reunion travel
Division 5: Reunion travel for school students
Division 6: Student reunion travel to members in remote locations
Division 7: Reunion travel for tertiary students
Division 8: Compassionate travel
Division 9: Australians dangerously ill scheme – within Australia
Division 10: Travel for resident family on death of a member
Division 11: Travel for representational purposes
Part 4: Leave travel
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Division 1: Recreation leave travel
Division 2: Pre-deployment leave travel
Division 3: Post-deployment leave travel
Division 4: Remote location leave travel (RLLT)
Part 5: Payment of travel costs
Show contents
Division 1: Members eligible and definitions
Division 2: Travel on Defence business
Division 3: Travelling allowance
Division 4: Travel allowance on removal
Annex 9.5.A: Amounts for accommodation, meals and incidentals
Annex 9.5.B: Amounts for travel after 21 days
Part 6: Vehicle allowance
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Division 1: General
Division 2: Authorised travel on duty and recall to duty from paid leave
Division 4: Authorised travel on other journeys
Division 5: Vehicle allowance amounts and limits
Part 7: Aircraft allowance
Chapter 10: Clothing and personal effects
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Part 2: Personal purchase of uniform articles
Part 3: Aide-de-camp, ADF advisor and other specified persons benefit
Part 4: Loss or damage to clothing or personal effects
Part 5: Plain clothes allowance
Chapter 11: ADF-related compensation
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Part 1: Rehabilitation and compensation for personal injury or disease – general arrangements
Part 2: Additional military compensation
Show contents
Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Additional death benefit
Division 3: Severe injury adjustment
Division 4: Avoidance of double benefits
Division 5: Authorisation of payment and review of decisions
Division 6: General
Part 3: Payment of financial entitlements on death
Part 4: Funeral and transportation costs on death
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Division 1: Funeral costs, floral and non-floral tributes for deceased members or former members
Division 2: Assistance on death of resident family in Australia
Chapter 12: Overseas conditions of service – overview
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Part 1: General information on Chapters 12 to 16
Part 2: Advice and administration for overseas conditions of service
Part 3: Definitions for Chapters 12 to 17
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Annex 12.3.B: Post index locations
Part 4: Service with the United Nations
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Division 1: Member remunerated by the United Nations
Division 2: Member remunerated by the ADF
Part 4A: Employment with the UN – APS only
Part 5: International travel and isolation periods
Part 6: Imprisonment, detention and custody
Part 7: Death of member or dependant overseas
Part 8: Australians dangerously ill scheme – overseas
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Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Extension or cessation of approved period
Division 3: Benefits
Chapter 13: Short-term duty and peacetime deployment overseas
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Part 1: General provisions
Part 2: Overseas travel benefits
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Division 1: Class of air travel
Division 2: Rest periods
Division 3: Accompanied travel
Division 4: Miscellaneous costs of short-term duty overseas
Part 3: Travel costs for short-term duty overseas
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Division 1: Rates, limitations and specific situations
Division 2: Equipment costs
Annex 13.3.A: Travel costs
Part 4: Special conditions and allowances
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Division 1: Member on Defence co-operation program or project
Division 2: Officially approved activities
Chapter 14: Relocating to or from a long-term posting overseas
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Part 1: General provisions
Part 2: Before leaving Australia
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Division 1: Pre-departure certificate of fitness
Division 2: Financial advances
Division 3: Expenses if overseas posting is cancelled
Division 4: Delay in departure accommodation
Part 3: Removals
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Division 1: Removal, storage or sale of items
Division 2: Storage and removal of private vehicles
Division 3: Transfer allowance
Division 4: Loss or damage
Division 5: Dependant removals in special cases
Division 6: Removals if dependant status changes
Part 4: Travel to and from the posting location
Show contents
Division 1: Travel benefits
Division 2: Baggage benefits
Division 3: Rest periods
Division 4: Dependants not travelling with the member
Part 5: Settling in and out
Part 6: Evacuations and withdrawals from posting
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Division 1: Evacuations
Division 2: Withdrawal from posting
Division 3: Loss or damage to possessions overseas
Chapter 14A: COVID-19 response
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Part 1: COVID-19 evacuations
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Division 1: Evacuation flights
Division 2: Accommodation and meals
Division 3: Additional ongoing benefits
Division 5: Member and dependants remaining overseas
Part 2: Absence from place of duty
Chapter 15: Living and working on long-term posting overseas
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Part 1: General provisions
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Division 1: Purpose, application and definitions
Division 2: Public holidays and Christmas stand-down
Part 2A: Overseas living allowances
Show contents
Division 1: Purpose, application and key concepts
Division 2: Cost of living adjustment
Division 3: Cost of posting allowance
Division 4: Child supplement allowance
Division 5: Other matters affecting the overseas living allowances
Division 6: Meal and clothing allowances
Part 3: Travel during a long-term posting
Show contents
Division 1: Travel for short-term duty while on long-term posting
Division 2: Excess commuting costs
Division 3: Overseas reunion travel
Division 4: Vehicle allowances
Division 5: Vehicle contribution
Division 6: Travel for compassionate reasons
Division 7: Travel on extension of posting or second overseas posting
Part 4: Housing
Show contents
Division 1: Housing
Division 2: Utilities
Division 4: Rent and utilities contribution
Division 5: Reductions to rent and utilities contributions
Division 6: Household help and support
Annex 15.4.A: Rent group overseas
Annex 15.4.AA: Rent group overseas - APS only
Annex 15.4.B: Rent and utilities contribution
Annex 15.4.C: Standards of residential overseas accommodation groups
Annex 15.4.D: Remission of rent and utilities contribution – maintenance of household in Australia
Part 5: Excess health costs
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Division 1: Eligible persons
Division 2: Benefits
Division 3: Special benefits for health-related travel
Division 4: Claiming health costs
Part 6: Education assistance for children
Show contents
Division 1: General provisions
Division 1A: Early childhood education assistance for children at the posting location
Division 2: Education assistance for children at the posting location
Division 2A: Education assistance for children at the posting location - School holiday programs
Division 3: Education assistance for children overseas – special circumstances
Division 4: Education assistance for children in Australia
Annex 15.6.A: Benchmark schools
Part 7: Foreign language training for partner
Part 8: Club membership
Chapter 16: Overseas hardship locations
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Part 1: General conditions and definitions
Part 2A: Location allowance
Part 3A: Additional recreation leave
Part 4: Assisted leave travel
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Division 1: Assisted leave travel benefit
Division 2: Calculating number of trips
Division 3: Offsetting assisted leave travel
Division 4: After travel
Part 5: Accommodation on unavoidable stopovers
Part 7: Extraordinary costs
Part 8: Special location allowances
Chapter 17: Warlike and non-warlike deployments
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Part 1: General provisions
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Division 1: Introduction to deployment
Part 2: Eligibility to receive conditions of service
Part 3: Conditions of service – overview
Part 5: Warlike deployment – less than six months – conditions of service
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Division 1: Before deployment
Division 2: During deployment
Division 3: During deployment – taxation
Division 4: After deployment
Division 5: Review of benefits
Part 5A: Warlike deployment – six months or longer – conditions of service
Show contents
Division 1: Before deployment
Division 2: During deployment
Division 3: During deployment – taxation
Division 4: After deployment
Division 5: Review of benefits
Part 5B: Non-warlike deployment – less than six months – conditions of service
Show contents
Division 1: Before deployment
Division 2: During deployment
Division 4 : After deployment – compensation for illness, injury and death
Division 5: Review of benefits
Part 5C: Non-warlike deployment – six months or longer – conditions of service
Show contents
Division 1: Before deployment
Division 2: During deployment
Division 4: After deployment
Division 5: Review of benefits
Part 6: Third-country deployments
Part 7: Allowances and leave
Show contents
Division 1: Deployment allowance
Division 2: Civil practice support allowance
Division 3: Non-warlike deployments – additional recreation leave
Division 4: Relief out-of-country travel fare assistance
Part 8: APS employees – operational support duty
Show contents
Division 1: General provisions
Division 2: Operational support allowance
Division 3: Relief out-of-country fare assistance
Division 4: Assistance on injury, illness or death arising out of operational support duty
Division 5: Operational hours allowance
Ch 12 Pt 3 Definitions for Chapters 12 to 17