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Offers for the continuation bonus that have been received, or are expected to be received, before 1 July 2025 are made under the continuation bonus pilot.

Subdivision 1: Preliminary

3.4.1 Simplified outline for this Part

3.4.2 Definitions


Example: Members who join who have prior service in another countries Defence Force. 


The Recommending Authority must be a uniformed military member.

3.4.3 Commencement day

3.4.4 Valid acceptance


The approved form for paragraph is the following.

  1. AF213 - ADF Continuation Bonus Election.
  2. The form of the same name available through SharePoint

3.4.5 Valid offer


The approved form for paragraph 3.4.5.a is the following.

  1. AF213 - ADF Continuation Bonus Election.
  2. The form of the same name available through SharePoint

Subdivision 2: Definition of effective service

3.4.6 Effective service – days not subject to a flexible service determination


Periods of unpaid leave of 22 days or more, the whole period will be counted as non-effective service.

Periods of unpaid leave of 21 days or less will be counted as effective service.

3.4.7 Effective service – days subject to a flexible service determination


Periods of unpaid leave of 22 days or more, the whole period will be counted as non-effective service.

Periods of unpaid leave of 21 days or less will be counted as effective service.

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