5.6.28 Member already on leave without pay
5.6.29 Cancelling the leave without pay
5.6.30 Required absence
Example: A member had been granted leave without pay from 1 September to 30 June.
The member's expected date of the birth is 1 June. Their baby is born on 8 June and required absence begins from 20 April (six weeks before the expected date of birth) to 20 July (six weeks after the actual date of birth). The member must serve their original period of leave without pay.
The member is entitled to paid maternity leave from 1 July, once leave without pay ceases, until the 24 August. This period is inclusive of the 6 weeks required absence after the actual date of birth and up to 18 weeks paid leave.
5.6.31 Maternity leave
Example: A member had been granted leave without pay from 1 September to 30 June. The member's expected date of the birth is 1 June and their required absence begins on 20 April (six weeks before the expected date of birth). Fifty-two weeks after 20 April is 18 April the next year. The member is entitled to maternity leave from 1 July to 18 April.
5.6.32 Discretion to vary
Example: A member is granted leave without pay to accompany their ADF partner on an overseas posting. During the leave they become pregnant. The CDF decides that their leave is in the interests of the ADF, and that full maternity leave should be available.