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1.7.15 Purpose

1.7.16 Member occupying a Service residence or rent band choice property


The member's liability to pay for a Service residence or rent band choice property that the member is not eligible for is not an agreement or a contract for the member's resident family or recognised other persons to remain in the residence.

1.7.17 Member occupying a rent allowance property

1.7.18 Member occupying living-in accommodation


1. If a licence to live in is revoked, the agent of the member may take possession of the member's property. The appointment must be in writing.

2. The agent of the member will be permitted to access the living-in accommodation to take possession and remove the member's property from the accommodation.


An inventory of the property removed and stored will be taken.

1.7.19 Storage costs


Example: The member has a stamp collection that has specific storage requirements due to the age and value of the stamps. The CDF may decide to recover the costs for the storage of the stamp collection due to the additional costs for the specific storage requirements.


Example: The member has multiple vehicles, including a car, a motor bike, a boat and a jet ski that need to be stored. This number of vehicles is in excess of what Defence would normally be expected to store for a member. The CDF may decide to recover the costs of storing vehicles that is in excess of what Defence would normally pay.

Note: Perishable goods will not be stored at Commonwealth expense. Dangerous goods will either be securely stored or disposed of.

1.7.20 Contribution for meals

1.7.21 Food allowance

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