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5.2.1 Purpose

5.2.2 Member this Part applies to

5.2.3 Definitions

5.2.4 Restriction on the grant of leave

5.2.5 Cancellation of leave in a restricted destination


Applying for a leave travel restriction waiver

  1. Members should not make travel arrangements or financial commitments until all approvals have been provided.
  2. A member may apply for a leave travel restriction waiver using webform AE042 through their supervisor in accordance with the instructions on that form at least 30 days before the expected travel date.
  3. The application must include the following.
    1. Notification of proposed overseas travel form.
    2. Reasons to justify the waiver which may include, but are not limited to the following.
      1. Compassionate reasons.
      2. To pursue future employment opportunities.
      3. For cultural or religious purposes.
      4. Family events.
  4. Members should be aware that waivers are not generally granted when the travel is for holiday or tourism purposes only.
  5. Only the Deputy Chief Joint Operations may approve a leave travel restriction waiver. Deputy Chief Joint Operations must consider the following.
    1. The reasons for the proposed travel.
    2. Comments of the recommending officers.
    3. The security and threat level in the restricted destination.
    4. Any other relevant matter.
  6. Deputy Chief Joint Operations may approve a leave travel restriction waiver subject to conditions being met, including any of the following.
    1. The member must make all reasonable efforts to contact a specified Australian official on arrival in and departure from the restricted location, or at regular intervals while in the location.
    2. Comments of the recommending officers.
    3. The security and threat level in the restricted destination.
    4. Any other relevant matter.
  7. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade no longer ask you to register your trip with them. You can access the latest travel advice through the Smart Traveller website and subscribe to receive travel advice and alerts to the destinations you are travelling to and through.   

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