from DFRT Determination No. 14 of 1992
Language allowance is paid to encourage and assist members to maintain proficiency in an approved foreign language and for the performance of linguistic duties.
Board of Examiners means the Board of Examiners at the ADF School of Languages, Point Cook, Victoria.
Exercise of Powers by Chief of the Defence Force
Specified languages
Rates of Allowance
Payment of Allowance
Passing the intermediate examination or achieving an equivalent standard is a pre-requisite for consideration for higher or advanced standard. Normally, a minimum of three years must elapse between levels, but the Board of Examiners may waive this requirement in special cases.
Approval might be given, for example, if a member is performing duties requiring proficiency in more than one language. Cases are to be referred to the Board of Examiners for consideration.
Member to be Taken to be Qualified
Payment in these circumstances is restricted to the period the member is employed in a position requiring language skills.
Payment in Special Circumstances
Qualification attained at other than the Australian Defence Force School of Languages
Qualification is subject to the member achieving a standard of skill or attaining a pass in an examination which is assessed by the Board of Examiners as being equivalent to a pass in an end-of-course examination at the ADF School of Languages.