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9.5.3 Purpose

9.5.4 Member this Part applies to


In the total workforce system, a member on continuous full-time service may be described as a member in Service category 6 or 7. A member who is in Service category 3, 4 or 5 and Service option C is also on continuous full-time service.

9.5.5 Member this Part does not apply to

9.5.8 Definitions


Example for meal period: A member starts travel at 0600. At 0700 the member is in a travel period. The hour starting at 0700 counts as a meal period.

Non-example for meal period: The member starts travel at 0715. At 0700 the member is outside the travel period. Because the start of the breakfast period was outside the travel period, it does not qualify as a meal period.

Example for meal period: The member finishes travel at 1915. Because the start of the dinner period was during the member's travel period, the hour from 1900 counts as a meal period. It does not matter that the member ended the travel period during that time.

9.5.9 Travel period – business travel


Example for Item 3: Air travel is the most economical means of travel from Melbourne to Sydney, but a member chooses to drive their own car. The travel period is the period that air travel would take.

Example for Item 4: The effect of item 4 is that a member's journey is taken to span the same period that it would have taken without the break. So a member travelling from Melbourne to Brisbane on Defence business stops off for the weekend in Sydney to visit friends. The travel period does not include the Sydney stopover.

9.5.10 Part-day travel period


Example: A Lieutenant Colonel leaves home at 0600 to travel to a meeting in another city. The member returns home at 2100. The member is away from home for 15 hours. The member is eligible for the part-day travelling allowance.

Exception: A member who is eligible for part-day travelling allowance under section 13.3.15 for travel overseas is not eligible for payment under this section.


Part-day travelling allowance is paid through the pay system and is taxable. The member would still use their Defence travel card to purchase fares for their journey.

9.5.11 Travel period – in connection with change in primary service location

9.5.12 Travel period – ceasing continuous full-time service

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