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Please note that some of the website addresses listed in this Part are only available on the Defence intranet only, unless otherwise specified.

Advice on policy


Issues about administration or the effect of particular provisions should be referred through the member's chain of command.

Overseas Administration Team, Melbourne

  1. The Overseas Administration Team (OAT) facilitates and administers overseas conditions of service for ADF members and APS employees in Defence.

  2. The OAT provides advice to Single Service, Defence Group administrators and overseas posts on all aspects of long-term posting to overseas locations. This includes allowances, removals and entitlements covered in the Overseas Conditions of Service chapters.

  3. These are the contact details.

    Global email address
    Mailing address GPO Box 2288U, Melbourne, VICTORIA 3001

Defence Travel

  1. Defence Travel provides help and advice on all aspects of non-business international travel; bookings, allowances, acquittals and passports and visas. 
  2. Information for applications for passports and visas can be found on the Defence Travel passports and visas page.

Overseas Salaries Section – Defence Pay Accounting Centre, Melbourne

  1. The Overseas Salaries Section administers the pay accounts of ADF members on long-term posting (of longer than six months) overseas. The Section is responsible for processing overseas pay-related entitlements, as well as helping overseas operational deployments with pay matters.

  2. These are the contact details.


    Mailing address Overseas Salaries Section

    Defence Force Pay Accounting Centre

    GPO Box 5182AA


Overseas posts


Administrative staff at overseas posts are able to help with enquiries about overseas conditions of service.

Decision-making on overseas conditions of service

  1. For the ADF, decision makers on overseas conditions act on behalf of the CDF. They do not exercise the powers in their own right. The effect of this is that a decision by an authorised person is in effect a decision by the CDF.
  2. For the APS, the decision makers on overseas conditions make these decisions on their own behalf.
  3. These powers, and the persons who are authorised or delegated to make decisions on them, are shown throughout Chapters 12 to 17.
  4. For most overseas conditions, the authorised persons for the ADF are the same as those delegated for the APS.
  5. The instrument of authorisation made by the CDF and the instrument of delegation made by the Assistant Secretary People Policy and Employment Conditions are provided on the Authorisations and Delegations page.
  6. Guidance for decision-makers on how to make decisions on conditions of service is in the Decision Makers Handbook on Defence Pay and Conditions.
  7. A person who has been authorised by the CDF or delegated by he Assistant Secretary People Policy and Employment Conditions cannot delegate their decision making powers to another person. Any decisions made by a person who has not been authorised or delegated are legally ineffective.
  8. It is important that any necessary help is sought before the decision is made from thethe following areas.
    1. For conditions of service for the ADF or APS - the Overseas Administration Team, Melbourne.
    2. For ADF salary - Defence Force Pay and Accounting Centre, Melbourne.

Pay and conditions manual


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