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1.5.1 Simplified outline of this Part

1.5.2 Obligation to provide accurate information


Examples: Marriage or registration certificate, birth certificates, life insurance policy, household bills, statutory declarations.

1.5.3 Change in member's circumstances


Examples: A child leaves home, a new baby is born, a couple relationship ends.


This requirement helps the Commonwealth prevent overpayments being made. If a member does not advise about changes, they may receive payments they are not entitled to, which would need to be repaid.


Example: The member's de facto relationship is recognised under section 1.3.39 De facto relationship.


Example: A member is paid vehicle allowance in advance of travel. They do not travel, or they travel less than they expected to. They must repay all or part of the allowance, whichever applies.


The approved form for section 1.5.3 is the following.

  1. PMKeyS.

  2. If PMKeyS is not available, AD150 - Amendment of Personal Data Details - ADF.

Accountable Authority Instruction 7 - Managing Debts set out the procedures for dealing with overpayments.

1.5.4A Contributions and payments payable by a member not receiving salary

1.5.5 Recovery by the Commonwealth

1.5.6 Decision-makers to avoid conflict of interest

1.5.7 Member to provide evidence of payment

Appeal rights

  1. A member may have an issue with the way a condition of service has been applied to them. This might include an adverse decision on their case by a CDF authorised person or an approving authority.

  2. In the first instance, the member should try to resolve the issue informally. If this is unsuccessful, they may seek a formal review under the redress of grievance process.

  3. Grievances and adverse decisions are subject to a review of their merits under the ADF redress of grievance system. This process could culminate in an appeal to the Defence Force Ombudsman.

Pay and conditions manual


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