3.3.19 Payment of a retention bonus
Payment is subject to transaction timeframes and pay cycle cut offs.
3.3.20 Payment of a completion bonus
Repayment of a bonus - member does not complete the agreed period of service - reasons beyond a member's control
The member remains eligible for the bonus payment if they do not complete their agreed period of service under this Part for any of the following reasons.
The CDF or the member's Service Chief determines that the member's reason for ceasing to serve is beyond the member's control.
The member is transferred from the Permanent Forces to the Reserves under section 16 of the Defence Regulation.
The member remains eligible for the bonus payment if they complete their agreed period of service but not in the agreed position, employment category or specialisation if any of the following circumstances apply.
The member is transferred to another position, employment category or specialisation.
The member is promoted and is transferred to another position, employment category or specialisation.