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5.4.21 Simplified outline of this Division

5.4.22 Application to purchase recreation leave credits

5.4.23 Members not eligible to purchase recreation leave credits


The amount of recreation leave credits for subsection 2 include the amount of basic, additional and extra recreation leave credits that the member is eligible for.

Members cannot donate purchased recreation leave credits to their partner.


5.4.24 Limitations on purchasing recreation leave credits

5.4.25 Credit of purchased recreation leave credits


The member is able to apply to use recreation leave credits as soon as it has been credited.

5.4.26 Cancellation to the amount of purchased recreation leave credits


Example: A member's required absence is due to start on 1 May. The member is in good health and provides a medical certificate that states that in the doctor's opinion, they are fit to work until 10 June. The CDF gives the member permission to work until 10 June.

5.4.26A Credit of purchased recreation leave credits

5.4.26B Recovery of purchased recreation leave credits

5.4.26C Payment


This payment method is used for both methods of purchasing recreation leave credits.

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