5.1.1 Purpose
5.1.1A Definitions
This definition refers to when a member becomes eligible for a payment. The actual payment takes longer.
Leave types
Key features of the major ADF leave types are set out in this table.
This table is a summary. For full details of each condition see the relevant part of this Chapter.
Summary Item Leave type Purpose Accrues Comments 1. Additional recreation leave for non-warlike service To enable a member to obtain relief from military and environmental hazards in an operational area. Y 2. Additional recreation leave – remote location To compensate members for the effects of service over time in a remote location. Y It is automatically credited during eligible service. 3. Additional recreation leave (ARL)
To compensate members for service in certain situations which include:
when serving at sea;
in the field;
performing military flight duties; or
performing special service.
Y The leave is linked to payment of an associated Military Factor allowance. 4. Additional recreation leave for training ('trainee leave') Additional recreation leave for training is for a member who must take a break from a course and who does not have enough recreation leave credit to cover the absence. N This form of leave was formerly referred to as trainee leave. 5. Basic recreation leave (BRL) Recreation leave allows a member time to rest for a substantial period each year or to attend to personal matters. A period of leave should help them remain efficient and effective in their duties. Y It is automatically credited to members. 6. Carer's leave To allow the member to provide direct care and support to a close relative who is sick, injured or affected by an unexpected emergency. N It is granted at management discretion. 7. Leave without pay
To provide for absence from duty where no other leave entitlement is sufficient or appropriate, in circumstances where the member wishes to continue to serve in the Defence Force. N It is granted at management discretion. It is generally regarded as leave of last resort. For a member with a flexible service determination it may be the means by which absences from the workplace are managed. 8. Long service leave To provide members who have served for 10 years or more with the opportunity for an extended period away from work. Some previous service may count towards this. Y Long service leave is automatically credited to members. It is a seven-day- week leave type. It is granted for a continuous period of calendar days, including weekends and public holidays. 9. Maternity leave The leave recognises the physical aspects of the later stages of pregnancy, childbirth and recovery after childbirth. It also provides time for initial care of the child. N Maternity leave consists of paid and unpaid leave. An application cannot be refused for any reason. New members may not have access to the paid leave component. The leave includes a period of required absence. 10. Medical absence To provide the member with paid leave to be absent from duty when unfit for health reasons. N The member can be excused from duty for health reasons that include any of medical, mental health, dental and rehabilitation reasons. 11. Parental leave To assist members and their dependants to spend time with their newborn or adopted dependent child. N 12. Personal leave To attend to personal matters of a compassionate nature or urgent personal matters where no other form of paid leave is appropriate. N It is granted at management discretion. 13. Short absence - civilian court proceedings Available to members who attend a civilian court or tibunal proceeding if the CDF is satisfied that it is reasonable in the circumstances. N It is granted at management discretion. 14. Short absence - command directed Enables commanders to direct members within their unit to not attend for duty to maintain unit effectiveness or maintain the health and welfare of members of the unit. N It is granted at management discretion. 15. Short absence - examination attendance To attend examinations connected with a course of study for which the member is given Commonwealth financial assistance for the payment of fees. N It is granted on occurrence. 16. Short absence - infectious diseases It is granted to a member if they are required to isolate for purposes relating to the control of an infectious disease. N It is granted on occurrence. 17. Short absence for rest and recovery Provides a member with the opportunity to rest and recover from long or arduous periods of duty. N It is granted at commanders' discretion. 18. Short absence - pre-deployment leave To enable members proceeding on duty to prescribed areas overseas for at least six months to finalise their personal affairs and make their farewells immediately before their departure from Australia. N It is granted subject to operational requirements. Time limits apply. 19. Short absence for removal purposes To enable members to complete the variety of tasks associated with a removal. N It is granted at commanders' discretion. 20. Short absence - supervision of children To enable a member to supervise their child due to the implementation of COVID-19 control measures as advised by Commonwealth, State or Territory health authorities. N It is granted on occurrence. 21. Short absence - travel Available to members who are granted specific types of travel or leave and have to travel for longer than 12 hours to reach their destination. N It is granted on occurrence. 21. Short absence when not required for duty To cover absence when a member is not required for duty. This includes nights, weekends and stand-down hours. N It is granted at commanders' discretion. 23. Special leave for private purposes To provide the specified members with a period of leave equal to a period of recreation leave credits that have expired. N It applies to the CDF, VCDF and Service Chiefs only. 24. War service leave To provide an additional leave benefit for members who were on warlike service, to allow them to adjust back to living in Australia and rest from the rigours of warlike service. Y War service leave is intended to be taken on return to Australia from warlike service. It must be taken before recreation leave. -