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Defence is increasing the amount of paid maternity and paid parental leave for ADF members, starting 13 February 2025. Paid maternity leave is increasing from 14 to 18 weeks.

When you can get maternity leave

When your maternity leave starts

How much maternity leave you can get

You may also be eligible to take unpaid parental leave once your maternity leave is over.

You may also qualify for parenting payments from the Australian Government.

Defence won't contribute to your superannuation while you're on unpaid maternity leave, but you may be able to make your own contributions, during your leave or after you return to work. Check with your super fund.

Apply for maternity leave

If you're already on leave without pay, you need to take all the leave you were approved before you can apply for maternity leave. Find out how taking leave without pay can affect your maternity leave.

When your pregnancy ends

If you need support, the Defence Members and Families Helpline on 1800 624 608 and the ADF All-hours Support Line on 1800 628 036 are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Returning to work

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